Tuesday, January 11, 2011


 My poem for open mic is

TIME............... eventually claims everything you love....

50 word story

                                   Criminal by Eminem

      I wonder if he will ever forgive me for what I have done to him?  He most likely won't.  I mean come on I killed his family.  But then again was it my fault?  I never pulled the trigger.  Did someone else kill them? Well I guess I'll never know.

Hero's Journey

                                      I am Legend Hero's Journey

1. In Robert's world as he tries to fight the virus.

2. He decides to stay and fight the virus.

3. Doesn't apply he never declined the call.

4. Bob Marley is his inspiration.

5. When Robert's family leaves.

6. Robert tests the cure on the rats.

7. Robert follows Sam into the building and almost dies.

8. When Sam dies.

9. Anna saves him from his stupid choice.

10. Anna claims that there is always hope.

11. Gives Anna the cure and sacrifices himself to ensure their safety.

12. Anna and Ethan find the sanctuary with the cure

Monday, November 29, 2010


1. Love the way you lie(Eminem feat. Rihanna)
   Boyfriend abuses his girlfriend and he says he will stop but never does.  SHe tries to leave but he won't let her. She is afraid of what will happen.
2. When i'm gone(Eminem)
  Eminem's daughter Hailie complains that Eminem is spending less and less time with the family.  She tells him that he loves rapping more than he loves the family.
3. She's in love with the boy
  Dad doesn't like the boy that his daughter is dating, but this is a problem because she is in love with him.  SO of course the daughter rebels.
4. Teenage Dream(Katy Perry)
  Katy and a guy fall in love and it reminds her of how she was when she was a teenager in love.  They feel like they are young again.
5. Best I ever had(Drake)
THe girl that Drake loves leaves, he claims that she's the best he ever had and that he doesn't miss her when he really does. She doesn't ever come back.

TOP 10 6ers

10. She's just not that into you.
9. Living life is not always easy.
8. Didn't see what i was becoming.
7. Basketball players make to much money.
6. What really happens after we die.
5. Love is it really worth it.
4. College over not what i wanted.
3. Computers are awesome, just use them.
2. Didn't watch where i was going.
1. life lived what comes after that.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Man and woman r alone in a car driving.

Man So how did u do that
Woman well i guess it just takes practice
M um ok well can u teach me
W well it takes a while to learn but maybe
M ok do u think we can make it to the airport before the police
W well the way u drive no let me drive
M um ok do u want me to pull over
W no u r getting out anyway
Woman jumps on man and shoves him out of the car.
M what the hell r u doing
W what i should have a long time ago
Man falls out of car and gets run over
W wow now that he is out of the picture
Woman pulls over and lets a different man in the car
M so how did u do it
W well i shoved him out
M well ok i would have preffered something more subtle and less obvious but ok
W well lets just get home
They get to airport and leave the country.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bad poetry

I hate life.
I don't like kites.
life sucks.
Then you Die.
That is how that quote goes.
Kind of like how water flows.
This poem sucks.
A lot like stupid ducks.